
First certificates issued in Estonia

First certificates issued in Estonia
ConsultIT is proud to announce that one year development of cooperation with Professional Evaluation and Certification Board (PECB) has begun to bear fruit and the first PECB certificates have been issued to Estonian specialists in the field of information security control systems. Congratulations to them and success!

Taking into account the growing need for information and cyber defense and increasing regulatory pressure (for example, the implementation of GDPR in 2018), the ConsultIT OÜ expects a rising demand for corresponding training programs in Estonia.

At the moment, ConsultIT has self-certified specialist and have the official certificate of trainer by the PECB, the following certification trainings may be offered:
  • ISO / IEC 27001 Lead Implementer;
  • ISO / IEC 27001 Lead Auditor;
  • ISO / IEC 27002 Lead Manager;
  • ISO / IEC 27005 Risk Manager;
  • ISO / IEC 27032 Cybersecurity Manager;
  • ISO / IEC 27032 Cybersecurity Audit Foundation.
Hopefully to this list will be added ISO/IEC 20000 IT Service Management and ISO/IEC 22301 Business Continuity Management by the beginning of next year.

Officially open courses are currently being proposed so that in November this year, the training of the ISO 27001 Lead Auditor will be carried out and the ISO 27001 Lead Implementer training will be carried out in March of the next year only.

If you are interested, please contact us by e-mail at or Skype by andro.kull

For more information on the content of certificates, visit

Information related to the organization of the certificate training is available at the dealers' addresses: courses

P.S. It is now possible to participate training with lower price and choose to take the exam and receive a certificate separately once the candidate is ready for it.

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ConsultIT partnership with eGA

ConsultIT makes co-operation with e-Governance Academy
e-Governance Academy (eGA) is a think tank and consultancy organisation founded for the creation and transfer of knowledge and best practice concerning e-governance, e-democracy, national cyber security and the development of open information societies. Although the agreement was made during 2016. summer the real actions are starting now. ConsultIT's experts are more involved into national cyber security projects. The first projects we are starting our co-operation are Cyber Security Capacity in Moldova and Development of information society and e-services protection in Palestine.
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ConsultIT partnership with IT Koolitus


ConsultIT ja IT Koolitus on sõlminud koostöölepingu, mille alusel hakatakse alates 2017. a Eesti turul pakkuma rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud infoturbe alaseid PECB sertifikaadikoolitusi.

ConsultIT juht ja koolitaja Andro Kull (PhD, PECB Certified Trainer, CIS LI, CRISC, CISA, CISM, ABCP) kommenteerib:

PECB pakub laias valikus juhtimissüsteemide koolitusi ja sertifitseerimist vastavalt rahvusvahelistele valdkondlikele standarditele. Olles IT- ja infoturbe valdkonnas tegutsenud juba pea 20 aastat julgen kindlalt väita, et Eestis on suur puudus kvalifitseeritud juhtidest selles valdkonnas. IT riskide juhtimine ja infoturbe korraldamine on pidevad protsessid, mis eeldavad põhjalikku analüüsi ning kaalutletud otsuseid. PECB sertifitseeritud koolitajana saan välja tuua kolm minu hinnangul kõige olulisemat argumenti miks neid koolitusi valida:

  1. PECB sertifikaadikoolituste läbiv filosoofia on õpetada lisaks sellele mida tuleb teha ka seda kuidas teha;
  2. Läbi praktiliste harjutuste on kursuse läbijad ette valmistatud selleks et koheselt vastavaid projekte käivitada või neis osaleda;
  3. Olles täitnud kõik vajalikud tingimused pakub PECB rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud sertifikaate vastava ala teadmiste ja oskuste kinnitusena.

Koolitustele on oodatud kõik spetsialistid ja kesk- ning tippastme juhid, kelle vastutusvaldkonda kuulub asutuse riskide analüüsimine, IT riskide juhtimine, infoturbe korraldamine, infosüsteemide auditeerimine ja/või talituspidevuse- ning taasteprotseduuride planeerimine.“

IT Koolituse juht Martin Palm kommenteerib:

“Näen, et koos ConsultIT-ga pakutavad PECB koolitused on meie klientide jaoks suurepärane uudis. Toome Eestisse koju kätte kõrgetasemelised ja rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud IT riski- ja infoturbe juhtimise alased koolitused, mida seni pakuti vaid välisriikides ja võõrkeeles.

See tähendab, et meie klientidel on võimalik kulusid kokku hoida ning koolitustel osalejatel on ka lihtsam ja mugavam.

Kahtlemata on oluliseks lisaväärtuseks ka koolitaja Andro Kulli teadmised ja senine kogemus antud valdkonnas ning võime asetada rahvusvaheliste kursuste sisu Eesti konteksti ning tuua teooria kõrvale kohalikke näiteid ja selgitusi.”

Lisainfo PECB koolituste sisu kohta ja esimesed toimumisajad:

NB! Vaata ka ametlikku pressiteadet PECB ja ConsultIT koostööst:

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ConsultIT partnership with PECB

PECB signs a partnership agreement with ConsultIT Ltd.

PECB is proud to announce that it has signed a new partnership agreement with ConsultIT Ltd., to distribute PECB training courses in Estonia. This partnership will ensure that the respective companies will give their contribution based on their expertise in offering and organizing PECB ISO 22301, ISO 27001/2, ISO 31000 courses.
“It is increasingly important for PECB to continue encouraging and building partnerships all over the world. We are highly impressed with the work of ConsultIT Ltd., and that is why we have expressed our interest for this partnership. We hope that our common work will be a long-term successful journey by providing ISO 22301, ISO 27001/2, ISO 31000 training courses in Estonia. PECB is bound to offering qualitative services and objective evaluation,” said Eric Lachapelle, CEO of PECB. “We make sure we offer our clients the best training material that is accurate, credible and practical. Our engagement and responsibilities in providing great experience will be efficiently allocated to partnership efforts to ensure that these efforts are well-managed and maintained,” added Lachapelle.
 “Estonia has proved to be a very successful IT-country. We have a lot of success stories like Skype, national ID as an authentication and authorization solution, e-government, connected national databases using X-road solution etc. The intent to deal with information security issues is very important by us; we have legal requirements for implementing ISMS, cyber defense league, we have critical infrastructure protection, and one our biggest technical University is proposing international cyber security master studies. What is missing is a critical amount of good managers – specifically IT risk managers and information security managers. As a partner of PECB, ConsultIT sees a great opportunity to provide world-class certification schemes to the current and future clients here in Estonia,” added Mr. Andro Kull, Member of Board at ConsultIT Ltd. 
About PECB
PECB is a certification body for persons, management systems, and products on a wide range of international standards. As a global provider of training, examination, audit, and certification services, PECB offers its expertise on multiple fields, including but not limited to Information Security, IT, Business Continuity, Service Management, Quality Management Systems, Risk & Management, Health, Safety, and Environment.
We help professionals and organizations to show commitment and competence with internationally recognized standards by providing this assurance through the education, evaluation and certification against rigorous, internationally recognized competence requirements. Our mission is to provide our clients comprehensive services that inspire trust, continual improvement, demonstrate recognition, and benefit society as a whole. For further information about PECB and for the full list of standards, please visit .
About ConsultIT Ltd.
ConsultIT was established in 2009 with the mission to provide high-level information security advisory and auditing services. As a service provider, ConsultIT recognizes the need of using only qualified specialists, like CISA or CISM. The real life has shown that those recognitions seem to be too far to the clients and there is certainly a need for more concrete implementation of management systems, which is the main area of PECB. So as a CEO of ConsultIT Ltd, I see a great harmony between us and PECB rise the quality of ConsultIT’s services and from the other side, increase the PECB’s business approach in countries where it is definitely needed. The immediate benefit for customers is to get the world-class services at home. For more information, please visit
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